Antivaxx Trump supporter Kristy Swanson has been hospitalized with Covid

May 2024 · 2 minute read


Kristy Swanson was an actress famous for the original Buffy the Vampire Slayer (the film), and she was on that TV show Psych for a while. I was surprised at her IMDB – she has actually worked pretty consistently on low-budget TV movies and sh-t for the Hallmark Channel, stuff like that. While she’s not a household name, she works and makes money, and probably has a career similar to Lori Loughlin. She’s also a Republican, and a vocal Trump supporter (her pinned tweet is from her visit to the Trump White House). You guessed it, she was also one of those “Covid is just a lil’ flu” people. Anti-masker, anti-science, anti-vaccine. Well, funny story.

🙏🏼 Prayers for me please. Yesterday I took an ambulance ride to the hospital. I’m still here with pneumonia, I’m on oxygen etc, all covid related of course. I’m in good spirits and in great hands. ❤️🙏🏼

— Kristy Swanson (@KristySwansonXO) November 1, 2021

Virtua memorial in Mount Holly NJ has been incredible. They are so on top it and have a wonderful staff. My night nurse is Rose and I love her because she takes care of me and that’s my moms name 🌹The paramedics in NJ are super pro, friggin amazing and hot AF! I’m doing great ❤️

— Kristy Swanson (@KristySwansonXO) November 1, 2021

She has spent the past 24 hours arguing with all of the people who are like “you should have gotten vaccinated, dumbass” and “did you try horse dewormer.” She blamed her Covid on vaccinated people who spread the virus (d’oh!) and she’s laughing at the people telling her to get vaccinated. I can’t believe medical resources are being wasted on this a–hole.

Just in case you wanted to know the extent of her MAGA fever dream, she’s on the record criticizing Anthony Fauci, she laments “cancel culture” constantly and she’s ride-or-die for Brett Kavanaugh, so much so that she made fun of the women who came out to tell their stories about Kavanaugh.

Kristy Swanson is learning the hard way. Sad.

— Carol, GOP is a fascist organization. Smash it. (@CR_1257) November 1, 2021


Photos courtesy of Avalon Red.
