Americas sweethearts Megan Rapinoe & Sue Bird are engaged links

May 2024 · 1 minute read

Megan Rapinoe & Sue Bird are engaged!! [Towleroad]
Europe is tearing out its hair about the American election. [Buzzfeed]
I’ve enjoyed all of the skeleton yard displays this year, people are so creative. [Dlisted]
Christie Brinkley was Lisa Rinna for Halloween. [Just Jared]
Yeah, I’m kind of over Dave Chappelle & John Mulvaney telling us that Joe Biden & Donald Trump are the same. [LaineyGossip]
These photos of the Duchess of Cornwall are beautiful. [Go Fug Yourself]
This year is the 10-year anniversary of the premiere of Justified, a show I loved for a few seasons and then stopped watching. [Pajiba]
This week’s horoscope… lord, I hope Mercury Retrograde doesn’t mess things up nationally, may the goddess help us all. [OMG Blog]
Conservative feminism isn’t a thing and Joni Ernst sucks. [Jezebel]
Claudia Schiffer in a Chanel jumpsuit. [RCFA]

