Dance Moms Recap 12/6/16: Season 7 Episode 2 Abbys Worst Nightmare

May 2024 · 8 minute read

Dance Moms Recap 12/6/16: Season 7 Episode 2 "Abby's Worst Nightmare"

Tonight on Lifetime Dance Mom returns with an all-new Tuesday, December 6, 2016, season 7 episode 2 and we have your Dance Moms recap below. On tonight’s Dance Moms Season 7 Episode 2 the moms worry about Abby’s temperament when her arch rival returns.

Did you miss the last episode of Dance Moms where Abby Lee Miller and the nation’s favorite tween dancers took on Hollywood in this all-new season of ‘Dance Moms’? If you did we have a full and detailed Dance Moms recap of the last episode, right here for you!

On tonight’s Dance Moms Season 7 Episode 2 as per the lifetime synopsis, “Abby challenges the junior elites to a head-to-head competition and decides to make big changes within the team. Later, Abby sends a few girls home and enlists two new dancers; and the moms worry about Abby’s temperament when her arch rival returns.”

Tonight’s episode will surely be filled with the usual Dance Moms drama. So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back for our Dance Moms recap from 9:00PM – 10:00PM ET! While you wait for our recap make sure to head over and check all our Dance Moms recaps, news, spoilers & more!

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

#DanceMoms starts at ALDC LA and Holly and the moms talk about Abby finally deciding they need just one team. Holly says Abby couldn’t make the cuts and decide. Ashlee says maybe Abby will do it today. They wonder if she’ll send the minis or junior elite home.

The minis and their moms show up. Ashlee says they wondered if they would show up. Jill says eight year olds can’t dance with 16 year olds. Holly says Abby needs one team and they’re at pyramid and she’s stringing them all along. Abby calls them in for pyramid.

Abby says she walked out because she was supposed to cut people and she’s now made a decision. Abby says she wants the original four junior members on the team. Abby then says she’s cutting minis but not today. The moms want to know who long and Abby says they won’t dance this week.

Two new dancers

Abby says she’s bringing in two more girls to dance with them. She auditioned more teen dancers and is trying out two of them. Yolanda speaks up and Abby rolls her eyes. Abby tells the minis they are dismissed for the rest of the week. They leave upset.

This week is Fierce National in San Diego. There are two duets. Brynn and Kendall will do one about shadows and it’s contemporary. Nia and Kalani get the other duet and it’s also contemporary called the young and the restless. The group is lyrical.

Abby starts with Brynn and Kendall’s duet first. Ashlee hopes this will convince Abby why they needed one team to start with. Ashlee says the last thing they need is more drama but more drama is coming in a big way.

Attack of the Candy Apples

Cathy greets the Candy Apples and says she wants to go after ALDC LA and says Abby will need a clean pair of underpants. It’s been 18 months since they competed against ALDC. Cathy says Abby has no idea they’re coming to San Diego. Cathy says she wants Abby to fear the CADC.

Back at ALDC LA, Nia and Kalani start their duet rehearsal. Abby wants to encourage rivalry between the two duet teams. Ashlee shares what she saw on social media that the Candy Apples are coming and Black Patsy is coming too. Cathy then calls Jill who pretends not to know her.

Ashlee tells Abby that Cathy from Candy Apples is on the phone and Abby says hell no. Cathy asks Jill to tell Abby she’s planning to be her worst nightmare then hangs up on Jill. Abby says Cathy is a pathetic person and the dance moms say this will up Abby’s game.

Two new girls

Abby introduces Camryn who has a lot of maturity. Daviana is a winner who has beaten Kalani in solos. Abby hopes the girls are sweating that these two might take their places on the team. Abby starts the group rehearsal for the lyrical number.

Camille is Camryn’s mom who says her daughter is a great dancer who can do all genres. Fernanda is Daviana’s mom and she says her daughter wants to be a professional dancer. Jill asks about their backgrounds.

Camille says she’s friends with Black Patsy. Ashlee is excited since Camille is a younger mom. Fernanda says her daughter only does solos. The solo that she beat Kalani with she had been rehearsing for four months. Ashlee tells them that Abby is trying to build rivalries.

Candy Apples scheming

Abby tells the girls they have to see who can fit in with the team and they need to be 100% to beat Cathy. Back in Ohio, Cathy has one day of rehearsal left before they leave. She wants to give Abby shudders and honors. One mom says they want to kick Abby’s ass.

Cathy says there is plenty of it to kick. Black Patsy says she’s got Cathy’s back. They work on the group dance inspired by 80s horror films. Cathy says if they lose, Abby will have the last laugh but she thinks her team can beat them.

Abby goes back to rehearsing duets and Jill is happy with the mature, edgy choreography. Then Abby moves on to the group rehearsal. The moms talk about how they like the new girls and think they’re perfect for the team. Ashlee says they’re better rivals than the minis.

Candy Apple curse

They load up on the bus for the ride to San Diego. Fernanda asks Abby about Cathy and Abby says she’s a psycho with bad hair that adopted a child to try and not gain weight. Abby says she’s not in my life or who I am or what I do.

Abby says watch out if Cathy starts crap. At the competition, there’s loads of screaming fans. Cathy is there too and shows the fans a broom and says it’s Abby’s transportation and she’s going to sweep the floor with them today.

Cathy hands the broom to Abby who tries to keep it cool and ignore her. Holly says this never goes well when Cathy shows up and pushes Abby’s buttons. We’ll see how it goes but it doesn’t look pretty.

Abby advises, Cathy plots

Cathy says she doesn’t know why Abby took the broom and Black Patsy says she needs it for her job in jail. Cathy points out the new ALDC LA moms and they talk about stirring up trouble. Cathy says Fernanda is unattractive and they gossip about Jill getting Botox with her.

Abby does last-minute notes on the duets. The moms run into the Candy Apples moms and Abby walks way but Black Patsy chases her down and starts trash talking Camille and Camryn. Black Patsy says Camryn doesn’t even own a pair of pointe shoes.

The moms call Black Patsy one of Abby’s rejects and they walk away from the Candy Apples moms. Kendall and Brynn come out for their duet. They finish and the moms cheer. Black Patsy says those two should not have been partnered and says it was horrible.

Moms vs moms

Jill calls her a disgusting human. Ashlee joins in and Jill walks out mad. Other fans cheer. Holly is upset at all the chaos around them. Holly worries if the duet doesn’t go well that Abby will blame Nia since Kalani is her favorite.

Cathy tells Abby she’s going to have a lot of smack talk in jail and better get used to it. Abby tells the moms she’s done after that comment and is leaving. Jill says no one should have to put up with that and she’s with her 100% on that.

The girls come in and Abby says the duets were outstanding but she’s going to leave. Fernanda asks who will Abby know how they did if she leaves. Abby says the words that Cathy is spewing make her and her studio look bad and leaving is the only way to shut her up.

Nightmares made real

Cathy gives her team a pep talk about the group. Holly tells the ALDC team that the two new girls meshed really well. Ashlee tells Camryn and Daviana the dance has to be good because they want them there and not the minis.

Cathy sees that Abby is gone and says it’s just like her to run away. Cathy says she gives so much to her students at Candy Apples but Abby doesn’t and it’s all about what Abby wants. The Candy Apples do their group routine.

Now the ALDC LA does their lyrical routine. Jill is excited at how they did and now it’s time for the awards. The duets are up first. Kalani and Nia take third place and Brynn and Kendall score second place. Nia says she feels like she did her best.

Trash talk afterwards

Ashlee says Brynn is just not that competitive but Abby keeps pushing for it. For the group routines, Candy Apples take second place. ALDC LA beats Cathy yet again. Holly says it’s a great day since they won and this could be the start of a winning streak with the new team.

The moms talk outside happily. Jill says they overcame that big mouth woman. Black Patsy comes at Jill who says Cathy, put a leash on that. Patsy comes at Ashlee too and says don’t touch me. Fernanda says she touched Jill first and Patsy mocks her accent.

Jill asks Patsy why she’s so fixated on her kid and tells her to shut up. Cathy chimes in and says your leader is going to jail and who’s the big loser now then says see you next week. The elite moms are not happy that Candy Apples will be back.

They call Abby to tell them they won. Jill asks if the new girls can come back next week and Abby says yes. Abby says she hopes the winning streak is back.

