Brad Falchuk: Divorce is terrible, even when its the right thing to do

May 2024 · 4 minute read

About a month ago, Gwyneth Paltrow informed us that only peasants live together in the same house after they get married. She was very snotty about it, and very smug about the fact that nearly a year after she married Brad Fulchuk, they still hadn’t moved in together. Gwyneth said that Brad maintains a separate home and they only spend four nights a week together. Honestly, the whole “maintaining separate spaces” thing appeals to me, but Gwyneth made it sound like anything other than HER choice was impossibly gauche. The reality of it was that I don’t think Brad’s children had any desire to spend time with Gwyneth or live under her roof. Brad literally left his wife for Gwyneth, and the vibe I continue to get is that his divorce was not some high-minded conscious uncoupling, and that there was bitter acrimony and his kids possibly blame Gwyneth.

Anyway, after smugly declaring that living apart is SO terribly healthy, Gwyneth then announced a few weeks later that she and Brad were going to be moving in together. Now Brad has a feature in WSJ. Magazine where he talks about their love, their marriage, and finally getting to move in with Goop. The reason Brad is being interviewed is because he’s got that new show, The Politician, on which Gwyneth has a supporting role. The article is paywalled, but here are some highlights:

Moving in with Gwyneth: “I’m moving in September. We’ve just done it slowly. Divorce is terrible, even when it’s the right thing to do. And it’s really hard on kids. Come September we’re all gonna ‘Brady Bunch’ it up, and it’ll be great.”

Gwyneth on working with Brad on The Politician: “We have such a strong friendship and deep knowledge of the other, so it was very easy. I can be very impatient with acting these days, and he was really good at wrangling that impatient side.”

Brad on Gwyneth’s fame: “Gwyneth has a very tough skin. She’s like, ‘You’ve got to relax.’ At the end of the day, we’re getting into bed together… and nothing from the outside world or anybody’s opinion means anything. That whole world of fame is her world. I always tell my kids, we have it great — because if I need to get us a dinner reservation in Rome, it’s easy. But when we get there, nobody knows us. I can operate anonymously in the world.”

Who they really are: “There’s a media version of her and me, but we’re just home cooking dinner. Or she’s just cooking me breakfast. That’s all. We could not be a more normal couple.”

He’s fine with being in the background: “I’m not the person out front. Never been my thing. But it’s to a fault. It has cost me.” ⁠

[From ET and CNN]

Yes, I consistently find that men who are content with being in the background will often appear on their fiancee’s Goop magazine to announce their engagement. They’ll sit down for profiles in the Wall Street Journal Magazine, they’ll talk about their married life to anyone, and they’ll hire their famous wife for their TV show. Yes, all of that and Gwyneth makes his breakfast, of course. I’m not saying Brad is a famewhore – he’s not, actually. I’m just saying that the “humble, happy to be lowkey” thing is just a shtick and it’s already wearing thin. If Gwyneth goes to Rome and no one recognizes her, she will throw a f–king fit about it.

Also: “I’m moving in September. We’ve just done it slowly. Divorce is terrible, even when it’s the right thing to do. And it’s really hard on kids.” Ouch. Yeah, again, his kids aren’t a fan of their Goopy stepmother. And Brad’s ex-wife doesn’t want her children being used as pawns in Gwyneth’s holier than thou narrative either.

Brad Falchuk, Gwyneth Paltrow at the ind...

Photos courtesy of WSJ. Magazine IG and Avalon Red.
