Where is Sarah Jessica Parkers mole?

May 2024 · 2 minute read

Last night at the MLB All-Star Game at Yankees Stadium, New Yorker Sarah Jessica Parker joined Sheryl Crow on the field to spread the word about a new alliance between baseball and Hollywood to fund cancer research. The charity sounds great, but all anyone could talk about was the conspicuous absence of Parker’s trademark chin mole.

Sarah Jessica Parker attended Tuesday night’s All-Star game, and hit the field beforehand for an announcement about cancer research. Parker has long had a trademark mole on her chin, which has been visible throughout her career.

But at the game, as seen in an unairbrushed AP photo, no mole. At least one of the remarkably cruel reviews of “Sex and the City: The Movie” commented on her beauty mark. The New York Observer’s Rex Reed began his review with the following:

There’s nothing wrong with Sarah Jessica Parker that couldn’t be cured by wart-removal surgery. That growth on her face just gets bigger with every close-up, and in the full-length movie version of Sex and the City it’s so distracting you can’t concentrate on anything else. It’s not a beauty mark. I guess you can’t tell a co-producer anything, but listen up, girl. At this point, you would make a wonderful Halloween witch.

No word – if indeed she has had the mole removed, if it was for medical of cosmetic reasons.

[From Huffington Post]

As a melanoma survivor, I can tell you that facial moles like the one Sarah had are at greater risk to become cancerous over the years, due to the fact that your face gets so much sun exposure. Many dermatologists suggest having them removed before they get to that point. Perhaps her reason for having the mole removed wasn’t cosmetic. But if so, it’s her business, isn’t it? I actually think she looks much better without it. But that doesn’t mean I think it’s okay for people like Rex Reed, who is a grade-A jerkoff, to bash her over it, either.
