John Morgan Reflects on His Grand Ole Opry Debut And Working With Mentor Jason Aldean on His Recent

May 2024 · 4 minute read

When asked about the writing process for “Man of Few Words,” Morgan revealed to us, “I wrote that song on a writer’s retreat, one of the only couple ones I’ve been on so far, and I think we were up in Gatlinburg somewhere, and it was just a group of dudes that, you know, we’re all kind of buddies.”

Smith Ahnquist, one of the writers, he was like, ‘Man, I got this title that I think would fit you perfectly,’ and he said ‘Man of Few Words,’ and we all kind of just locked in and started the writing process, which, you know, is different for me every time I do it,” the country crooner continued.

“I definitely pulled a lot of inspiration from my wife Hailey, which I think we were still dating at the time when we wrote the song, and it just kinda says a lot about our relationship… I’m pretty laid back, and from what people tell me I’m a man of few words, and so I feel like it definitely represents me pretty well,” he concluded with a smile.

Aside from being written alongside Smith Ahnquist, Jeb Gipson and Will Bundy, country legend Jason Aldean helped produce “Man of Few Words.”

When asked what it is like continuously working with his longtime mentor, Morgan gushed, “[Jason Aldean] is a no B.S. guy like me too, so if he hears something he doesn’t like he tells me, and we try to beat it or approach it differently.”

“I think there’s a lot of similarities in our personalities… I like people to be honest with me and tell me, you know, I like this or I don’t like this because at least that gives me a direction, you know, and I feel like that that’s probably the coolest thing about his and my relationship,” he shared with Celeb Secrets.

The talented singer-songwriter continued to express his gratitude towards Aldean, ultimately revealing, “If I have questions about something, I’ll just call him, you know, even if it’s on the business side of things, which is, you know, I feel like something I didn’t really have a lot of knowledge about when I first moved to town, and he definitely helped me out and pointed me in the right direction with, you know, a lot of different things.”

John Morgan shared that in general, “the biggest help for me is having him in there when we cut vocals.”

“[Jason Aldean] is just good about hearing certain inflections and phrasing stuff that, you know, I may not catch in the moment,” Morgan dished. “He’s got a great ear for hearing different things in that way, alongside, you know, other production stuff too.”

Fortunately, “Man of Few Words” is just a tiny glimpse into everything John Morgan has in the works 🙌

“We’ll have something out this summer for sure. We haven’t set a specific date yet,” he teased. “We went in and cut three songs and so they’re actually getting mastered this week, so we’ll hopefully be getting them out as soon as possible. I would say probably in the next couple months, but we’ll have a few more precise details on that coming up soon.”

“I’m glad we’re kind of at a place where we can kind of get the ball rolling and about to put out a bunch of new music, so I’m excited about that as well. We’re gonna start pumping them out, so hopefully everybody keeps digging what we’re doing,” he shared with us.

“I mean, especially the last year or so, even in the writing side of things, I’ve been super blessed to, you know, be able to get a few things on some different artists… I really have fallen even more in love with songwriting itself, and I’m just grateful to to be doing anything in the music industry,” he continued, expressing his gratitude towards his musical success thus far.

With even more new tunes on the way, definitely keep John Morgan on your radar, and be sure to connect with him on social media @johnmorgan95 so you do not miss any of his highly-anticipated updates.

Afterwards, leave a reaction at the bottom of the post to let us know how excited you are for new music from the budding superstar, and/or send us a tweet at @celebsecrets to share your opinions — We want to hear from you!


With reporting by Juliet Schroder.
