Halle Berry hires a new lawyer so she can go after Gabriel for custody, move to France

May 2024 · 3 minute read

Is the sh-t about to hit the fan? According to TMZ Halle Berry has hired a real “bulldozer” lawyer who previously represented Mel Gibson and is known for getting his way in court. Rich people can easily switch lawyers when they’re not getting results fast enough, but TMZ says this means that Halle is about to dial it up in her custody battle with Gabriel Aubry. I’m also thinking that Halle’s last lawyer tried to get her to bring it down a notch and be more realistic and she told him to stuff it. Halle wants to move to France with her new boyfriend/maybe fiance, Oliver Martinez, and she’s going to make that happen at any cost, particularly to her daughter. I’m just waiting to see what kind of petulant response Gabriel gives Radar Online about this one. I’m not on Halle’s side by any means, I just think Gabriel has quickly stooped to her level. He still deserves a relationship with his daughter, though. Here’s TMZ’s report on this:

Halle Berry has dumped another man … but this one has been with her way longer than all the others — her longtime lawyer/confidante, Neal Hersh … TMZ has learned.

Here’s the lowdown. Our sources tell us Halle wants to go after her baby daddy Gabriel Aubry with nuclear weapons — metaphorically speaking — and she thinks Hersh is too much of a gentleman to wage that kind of legal war, even though he has guided Halle through 2 divorces, a custody war and various other legal skirmishes.

So we’ve learned Halle has hired Stephen Kolodny (above), who is legendary in L.A. legal circles for the level of legal warfare she so wants. You may recall Kolodny repped Mel Gibson in his epic battle with Oksana Grigorieva — and that got kinda nasty.

Kolodny has already gone to court with Halle. We’ve learned last Thursday the new duo went to dependency court to have more restrictions placed on Aubry. The dependency judge has already ordered that Gabriel can only have contact with Nahla in the presence of a monitor. On Thursday, we’re told the judge voiced additional concerns and ordered Gabriel to return the child to Halle earlier than the 6 PM deadline on days he has custody.

Kolodny will have his hands full trying to convince the family law judge that Halle should be able to move to France with the child because she’s concerned about paparazzi and safety.

[From TMZ]

Will Halle get her way? Will this go down as she’s expecting and will she get to both smear her daughter’s father in the press and limit his contact with her? Even if the custody case resolves exactly as she’s hoping, I doubt it will be a happily ever after for Halle. It rarely is. The novelty of France will wear off and so will the novelty of her latest relationship. Maybe I’m wrong, though, maybe she’s matured as a person. Although if that were the case she would be staying put in LA and working on establishing a friendly co-parenting relationship with her ex. Can it be that hard to get along for the sake of their daughter?

Halle is shown on 2/22 and 2/24 outside Nahla’s school. She’s shown with Oliver and Nahla on 2/26 and with Oliver alone on 2/28/12. Credit: LRR/FameFlynet Pictures
